Thursday, March 22, 2007

E-Bikes and Fuel Cell Trek

I was looking at a website created by Jonathan X Weinert, a grad student from UC Davis who is currently studying ways to make "transportation more environmentally sustainable in developing countries". He has work on fuel cells, hydrogen, and his current focus; e-bikes. Well worth looking at. Just follow the link:

There is also a movie he posted on youtube, picturing a mass of e-bikes swarming through one of China's larger cities. Have a look at:


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Hi all, welcome to our blog. This is our 'primordial soup', a place for our ideas to meet and grow. Please post anything you have been working on or perhaps has caught your interest.

Looking at inner-city mobility in developing countries there are a number of problems that need to be addressed. Congestion and pollution are paramount.

I've mostly been looking at alternative transport infrastructure such as light rail, tram-like power sources under the road to support personal vehicles, gondola or ski-lift networks for small packages, or a way of harnessing the energy efficiency inheirent in pendulum motion, perhaps one day flying through the city like spiderman. An alternative or supplimentary infrastructure excites me because conjestion can be reduced radically, and these countries could end up leading the way.
