Thursday, May 17, 2007

electronic textile link

Here is a link to one of many recent reports on electronic textile development.
Currently, there is an industrial trend to move from conceptual prototypes or underdeveloped electronic textiles to products that can be washed and used without impedeing on their durability and performance. This article establishes that such developments are underway, and also briefly outlines some of the prospective uses for electronic textiles- military, medical, sporting/human performance gauging..... automotive uses are not mentioned here, but with the close human to machine interface of transportation, especially with regard to small personal two wheelers etc, smart/electronic textiles could offer all manner of solutions:
-combining communications and safety
-water proofing/resistance

It may provide a platform with which to 'tap' energy produced by the human body to be stored and used in conjunction with a battery pack as power..?

-low-zero emmission

It could also include aerial/antenna devices for tracking systems safely contained in a jacket or glove etc.
Such a garment could works in conjunction with a transportation device via blue tooth etc.

Shapeshifter - resource optimisation

Shapeshift is another business that is operating under the Canterbury Innovation Incubator

This kind of technology may be handy for optimising the amount of resources we wish to use if we were considering cutting frames from a single piece of material. It may also be handy for Kate as far as safety clothing goes.

Have a look at

Blurb from CII site:
Shapeshifter provides optimisation software for manufacturers in the apparel industry. The founder, Dr. Hamish Dean graduated from the University of Canterbury with a PhD in mechanical engineering, having developed a mathematical optimisation algorithm capable of manipulating 2-Dimensional objects in software such that they can be rearranged in a more closely packed formation.

This technology allows savings in raw materials of 1%, converting to an impressive 10% increase of profit for apparel manufacturers. This kind of improvement can save large sewn-goods manufacturers millions of dollars in raw materials each year. Furthermore, new opportunities in diamond cutting and 3-dimensional object manipulation have been trialled with impressive results

FX Adventure lightweight MX / Mountain bike

Desynz has developed the FXAdventure, the world's lightest high-performance all-terrain motorcycle. At less than 45kg, the FX Adventure creates a new market category, filling the gap between motorcycles and mountain bikes.

This novel development encompasses the power to weight ratio of motorcycles with the manoeuvrability and convenient transportability of a mountain bike

Desynz is located in Christchurch. They are a small company that is working under the Christchurch City Incubator

Have a look at the videos, I have them and will put them in my outbox at University if you cannot be bothered downloading them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Honda Parts

A cool little video of honda parts using domino effect with a range of actions

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

81mph human powered

This site has some great footage of attempts at the bicycle speed record.