Friday, July 20, 2007

GM Hy-Wire

Now there is nothing too exciting about this Hydrogen car but toward the end of the Top Gear video James makes a valid point about being able to interchange motor bodies for different applications. - something that was kind of covered in Tuesdays meeting to do interchanging bike trailers.

Omni-Directional Wheels


Who said our vehicle has to only be able to move in one direction? The video is a little cheesy but nice application.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

New Zealand at the forefront of Solar Power

"The refining of pure silicon, although a very abundant mineral, is energy-hungry and very expensive. And whereas silicon cells need direct sunlight to operate efficiently, these cells will work efficiently in low diffuse light conditions."

-- Dr. Wayne Campbell, Massey University, Nanomaterials Research Centre

Renewable Energy Access [link]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Not a bad statement

What is New York city planning???

To to the best Industrial Design web site in the world CORE77 and download the 1.7Meg PDF. Here are a couple of pages of interest.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Omoco Team now on National Radar

An Omoco project summary has been published Synapses - June 2007 . This is a Otago University secondary schools quartely journal, so time to check our spelling as we will have many more viewers coming online.

For new secondary students interested in other sustainable ideas check out another blog some of us are working on ( an win an ipod shuffle possibly)