Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Electric engine competition

So we can get an estimate on what electric motors weigh see if you can find examples to post or bring along for tuesdays meeting. Chocolate prizes for the best power/weight ratios in 250 watt category, 500 watt category, and 1,000 watt category

Super Caps

Super caps, or "capacitors" are an alternative energy storage to batteries. I don't know quite how they work- ask Andrew or Chris if interested- but from what I understand they are lighter and deliver higher power bursts for acceleration. However, this comes at a cost- they don't hold as much energy, so they don't last as long. there is also rapid dissapation when not in use. On the plus side they can be charged very quickly which is why they are used in regenerative braking. Very useful things.

Check out
for an ebike which uses them and a general explaination.

All aboard the magic wheel...

The Magic Wheel combines the circus clown affect of a unicycle with the, admittedly teenage, street cred’ of a board. The result is strangely alluring. Step on one side to flick it up. Wheel yourself along hell for leather and hang on for dear life.