Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Super Caps

Super caps, or "capacitors" are an alternative energy storage to batteries. I don't know quite how they work- ask Andrew or Chris if interested- but from what I understand they are lighter and deliver higher power bursts for acceleration. However, this comes at a cost- they don't hold as much energy, so they don't last as long. there is also rapid dissapation when not in use. On the plus side they can be charged very quickly which is why they are used in regenerative braking. Very useful things.

Check out
for an ebike which uses them and a general explaination.

1 comment:

nel c said...

They currently been used in hybrid automobile to store the energy from braking. In addition, giving the extra boost in acceleration.

I saw somewhere that it has the capability to replace batteries. If interested, check out 'Ultracapacitors' or 'Maxwell's BoostCaps capacitors'.

High lifecycle, power density, recycable, perform well down to -40 degree celsius, 85-95 efficient, fast recharge.

Definitely have the potential for other application.