Thursday, March 20, 2008

dense urban areas

OMoCo may create ideas for vehicle in dense urban areas. If we think about dense urban areas, we should have a look about our experience with population and area. Because our home town is often quite different to a metropolitan area. Our imagination about density is quite different. To give us a imagination, I tried it with the following charts. If you click on the picture, it should be go larger.

In the first row you see the 20 largest metropolitan areas. See also
The blue circle shows the population, the brown circle the area. The parameters for the circles are always the same, but calculated by my own algorithm to show you the relationship. The numbers in the first row are the ranking in relationship to population. Biggest metropolitan area is Tokio, with more than 32,000,000 people. In comparison, number 4 is New York. Around 20,000,000 people, but with more space than Tokio. Have a look to number 5. It's Mombai in India, same population like New York, but really less space. You can't see a brown circle. There is no space for people. See also Kolkata - India number 14 , Cairo - Egypt number 16 and Karachi - Pakistan as number 20 .

The second row shows the city areas. It's different to the metropolitan areas, because without suburbs. See also
The numbers on the lower row shows us the ranking of density. First is Cairo, 16th in population, with a density of 37,000 people each square km. See that also in comparison to New York, 10,578 people each square km, or London 18th in population with a density of 4,697 people.
37,000 people each square km means each person has only 27 square m as space to live. Streets to drive and parks to walk are included. London City are 213 square m each person.

Interesting about density. You see, number 3 till to number 7, are cities of India.

Also the growth rate in these cities are very high. But the highest growth rate has Lagos in Nigeria. 429,870 people each year, equal 4,45 %. The second is also a africa country, Kinshasa with 4,24 %, 336,232 people. The third, Dhaka in Bangladesh is just the second in density.

Now, please think not in population, please think in cars which they want sooner or later!

Let's have a look to our city experience. First have a look to Dunedin.
You see. The area is as large as Delhi in India or Hong Kong in China. But in Dunedin are only 122,000 people. It's a density of 37 each square km. In the equal area of Dunedin live 18,600,000 people in Delhi!!!
Each people in Dunedin has a average area of 27,000 square m. You remember? Cairo has 27 square m each person.

I'm often in Zurich. Because I'm teaching at the university. Isn't it interesting, that Zurich has near the same density of population like Tokio or Seoul. I can't believe it, because Zurich is such a beautiful city. But, it's true, the traffic is sometimes a horror. Perhaps, Zurich could be a test field for vehicles which could be use in Tokio or Seoul. And, let's have a look to other small cities which could be a test field. Which part of Dunedin could be a test field for other dense urban aeras?

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